The default model is gpt-3.5-turbo, offering the best balance between cost and performance. When using any model from the gpt-4 series and up, please monitor your costs and usage to avoid unexpected charges.
Usage: readmeai [OPTIONS] Entry point for the readme-ai CLI application.Options: -V, --version Show the version and exit. -a, --align [center|left|right] align for the file header sections. --api [anthropic|gemini|ollama|openai|offline] LLM API service provider to power the README file generation. -bc, --badge-color TEXT Primary color (hex code or name) to use for the badge icons. -bs, --badge-style [default|flat|flat-square|for-the-badge|plastic|skills|skills-light|social] Visual style of the badge icons used in the README file. --base-url TEXT Base URL for the LLM API service. -cw, --context-window INTEGER Maximum number of tokens to use for the model's context window. -e, --emojis [default|minimal|ascension|fibonacci|harmony|prism|quantum|monochrome|unicode|atomic|cosmic|crystal|earth|fire|forest|nature|water|gradient|rainbow|solar|fun|vintage|zen|random] Emoji theme 'packs' for customizing header section titles. -hs, --header-style [ASCII|ASCII_BOX|BANNER|CLASSIC|CLEAN|COMPACT|CONSOLE|MODERN] README header style template options. -l, --logo [ANIMATED|BLACK|BLUE|GRADIENT|ORANGE|METALLIC|PURPLE|RAINBOW|TERMINAL|CUSTOM|LLM] Project logo for the README file. -ls, --logo-size TEXT Project logo size. -m, --model TEXT LLM API model to power the README file generation. -ns, --navigation-style [ACCORDION|BULLET|NUMBER|ROMAN] Navigation menu styles for the README table of contents. -o, --output TEXT Output file path for the generated README file. -rl, --rate-limit INTEGER RANGE Number of requests per minute for the LLM API service. [1<=x<=25] -r, --repository TEXT Provide a repository URL (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket) or local path. [required] -sm, --system-message TEXT System message to display in the README file. -t, --temperature FLOAT RANGE Increasing temperature yields more randomness in text generation. [x<=2.0] --top-p FLOAT RANGE Top-p sampling probability for the model's generation. [0.0<=x<=1.0] -td, --tree-max-depth INTEGER Maximum depth of the directory tree generated for the README file. --help Show this message and exit.
See the CLI Reference for the full list of options and their descriptions.