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Badge Styles

ReadmeAI’s badge system enhances your documentation by displaying key metrics and project information through visual indicators. These badges provide instant insights about your project’s status, technologies, and characteristics.


Customize your project’s badge appearance using the --badge-style flag:

readmeai --badge-style <style> --repository <url-or-path>

Available Styles

The standard badge set focusing on essential project metrics. This style requires no additional configuration.

readmeai --repository

Example output:

License Last Commit Top Language Language Count

A modern, clean design with straight edges and consistent height.

readmeai --badge-style flat --repository

Example output:

Python Badge

Similar to flat style but with squared corners for a more geometric look.

readmeai --badge-style flat-square --repository

Example output:

Python Badge

Bold, high-contrast badges with uppercase text for emphasis.

readmeai --badge-style for-the-badge --repository

Example output:

Python Badge

Badges with a subtle gradient and slight 3D effect.

readmeai --badge-style plastic --repository

Example output:

Python Badge

Minimalist icons representing programming languages and tools.

readmeai --badge-style skills --repository

Example output:

Skills Badge

Light-themed version of the skills style for bright backgrounds.

readmeai --badge-style skills-light --repository

Example output:

Skills Light Badge

Social media-inspired badges with counters and icons.

readmeai --badge-style social --repository

Example output:

Social Badge

Technical Details

Badge Generation Process

ReadmeAI automatically analyzes your repository to:

  • Detect project dependencies and frameworks
  • Identify programming languages used
  • Extract license information
  • Monitor repository metrics
  • Generate appropriate badge sets

Badge Categories

The system generates two distinct sets of badges:

  1. Default Metadata Badges:
  2. License status
  3. Last commit timestamp
  4. Primary programming language
  5. Total languages count

  6. Project Technology Badges:

  7. Dependencies and frameworks
  8. Build status indicators
  9. Test coverage metrics
  10. Version information

Advanced Usage

Combine badge styles with custom colors to create personalized documentation:

readmeai --badge-style flat-square \
         --badge-color orange \

Color Customization

Badge colors can be specified using: - Color names (e.g., orange, blue) - Hex codes (e.g., #0080ff)

The --badge-color option affects default badges only, while --badge-style applies to all badge types.

Best Practices

When implementing badges in your documentation, consider these guidelines:

  1. Visual Harmony: Choose badge styles that complement your project’s overall design aesthetic.
  2. Information Relevance: Include badges that provide meaningful insights about your project.
  3. Layout Balance: Avoid overcrowding by selecting only the most important metrics to display.
  4. Maintenance: Regularly verify that badge links remain active and display current information.
  5. Consistency: Maintain a uniform style across all badges within your documentation.

Service Attribution

The badge system integrates with several leading badge providers:

  • Primary badge generation service
  • Simple Icons: Icon library for technology badges
  • GitHub Profile Badges: Repository metric indicators
  • Markdown Badges: Extended badge collection
  • Skill Icons: Programming language and tool icons